Revolutionising Materials: Ultrafast Physics Unveiled

Quantum Marvels Unveiled

Dive into terahertz spintronics and meta-photonics, uncovering quantum marvels and breakthroughs reshaping materials. Explore extraordinary synergies in this captivating journey.

Revolutionising Materials: Ultrafast Physics Unveiled

The definition of quantum material is not generally given as it is currently widely used without any standard definition. Arguably, the characteristic determinants of quantum materials are certain unifying properties: reduced dimensionality, symmetry breaking, topological

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Meta-Photonics: Beyond the Ordinary Light Spectrum

Dive into the extraordinary world of meta-photonics, where the manipulation of light through metamaterials is opening doors to unprecedented possibilities. Explore integrated terahertz photonics and ultrafast photonics technologies that leverage meta-materials for groundbreaking applications. From

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